We hope you are all having a wonderful summer! Here are some updates as we move toward a new school year:
- Caitlin Walker sent an email out on Saturday, July 27th. If you did not receive that email, please email her at: cwalker3120@gmail.com with your personal email address so that we can be sure you receive future updates! **NOTE: Several email addresses kicked back as undeliverable. Please double check to see if you received an email!
- Contracts A, B, and C have been ratified and we are now waiting on clean copies of the contract from the district. Once we receive those, we will be able to sign and distribute!
- Negotations are still underway for Units D and E. We will keep you updated on that as it progresses.
- All vacant positions at all three schools have been filled (as of the most recent information given to us).
- Dr. Clarke sent out a breakdown of the contractual 53 hours. Please reach out if you have any questions!
- Our first general meeting is on August 27th (the first day back for all staff). I will be sending out an agenda prior to that meeting — be on the look out in your personal email accounts!